The human body only stores enough glycogen (the high intensity energy store) to sustain exercise at over 70% of max heart rate for about 90 minutes. When this runs out you will “hit the wall” or “bonk”, as your body tries to switch to stored fats for energy. Unfortunately it cannot convert the fats fast enough to provide all the energy you need and you end up walking and feeling terrible. Carbo Supreme is an "ALL-IN-ONE" race drink / meal which, if drunk continuously during training or racing at the recommended rate, will continually provide all the water, carbohydrates, minerals (plus other physiological support) you will need for maximum performance and endurance, preventing “bonking” & making any additional supplementation (including normal water and solid carbohydrates) largely unnecessary. Carbo Supreme is formulated with a unique blend of carbohydrates (including fructose, dextrose and other maltodextrins) designed to give "Sequential Rate Carbohydrate Release" for both instant energy conversion and longer-term sustained energy release. Carbo Supreme has the added advantage that energy release and blood sugar levels are regulated and maintained for a much longer period.
In addition Carbo Supreme helps to conserve glycogen stores by assisting with the breakdown of fats (normally an inefficient source of energy), so that they are readily available in the bloodstream as FFA's (free fatty acids) and therefore easily accessible for rapid energy conversion.
Carbo Supreme also contains a full complement of Minerals, Multi Vitamins, Anti-oxidants, Amino Acids and Electrolytes to assist cell hydration, help prevent cramping, accelerate muscle recovery, and continually support and strengthen the immune system. It also contains a small dose of herbal caffeine which helps to metabolize fats, reduce the effects of heat stress and improve mental concentration.